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OSHA Hazard Identification and Control Program

OSHA Hazard Identification and Control Program


本危害识别和控制程序建立了指导方针和程序,以识别和识别公司内部存在或可能出现的危害. 该方案旨在保护员工的健康和安全,减少与公司运营有关的事故和伤害风险.


This program applies to all employees, company contractors, 访客和供应商谁将执行工作的场所或为公司在工作现场.


Senior management will:

  • 要求将该程序充分应用和集成到日常操作中, as applicable, in all areas of responsibility and with all direct reports.
  • 评估经理和主管在其职责范围内应用本课程的能力.


  • 制定,审查和更新危害识别和控制程序
  • Coordinating hazard assessment safety training for employees
  • 进行定期检查以确保符合计划。监督事故报告, investigation and corrective actions

Managers and supervisors will:

  • 提供必要的资源和设备来实施危害识别和控制安全程序.
  • 指定一名安全协调员负责项目开发, implementation and periodic review.
  • 确保遵守所有适用的联邦,州和地方法规.
  • Know how this program applies to those under their direct control.
  • 在其职责范围内整合并执行本计划的规定.
  • 定期审核本项目在其职责范围内的有效性.
  • Coordinate training for all affected employees. 
  • 在必要时提供适当的指导和纠正措施,以确保该计划完全整合.
  • Investigate and document all incidents that result in employee injury.

All affected employees will: 

  • 如有需要,将本计划的规定融入他们的日常活动.
  • Follow all training, instructions and directives related to this program.
  • 在日常操作中应用此程序时,如有疑问,请寻求澄清.
  • 提醒管理层注意任何可能对自己或其他员工造成伤害的不安全或危险的情况或做法.
  • 报告任何对员工造成伤害的事件,无论其性质如何.

Program and Evaluation Updates

As a matter of policy, 该计划将由安全管理员每年审查一次,以确定所有方面是否仍然满足该组织的需求. 如果一年中发生了重大事件,表明该计划效果不佳, an immediate evaluation will be conducted, 我们将采取适当措施,提高这一计划的可靠性.



  • Hazard-可能对生命、健康或财产造成损害的潜在危害来源.
  • Hazard control-一种防止潜在危害源对生命、健康或财产造成损害的方法.

Hazard Identification and Control Training Requirements

  • 雇主将向员工提供安全工作所需的知识和技能,避免制造可能使自己或他人处于危险之中的危险.
  • 员工将有意识和了解工作场所的危害和如何识别, report and control them.
  • 当员工的工作涉及特殊危险时,他们将接受专门的培训.
  • Once training is completed, 员工将获得培训完成证书,并存入培训档案.
  • 培训将在增加新设备或员工被认为需要再培训时进行.
  • 根据分配给雇主或个别经理的角色,可能需要额外的培训, supervisors and workers. For example, employers, 经理和主管可能需要专门的培训,以确保他们能够履行领导职责, direction and resources for the safety and health program.
  • Workers assigned specific roles in the program (e.g., 事件调查小组成员可能需要培训,以确保他们充分参与这些职能.

Identifying and Assessing Hazards

To identify and assess hazards, employers and workers should:

  • 收集和审查有关工作场所存在或可能存在的危害的信息.
  • 对工作场所进行初步和定期检查,以发现新的或反复出现的危险.
  • Investigate injuries, illnesses, 事故和险情,以确定潜在的危险, their causes, and safety and health program shortcomings.
  • 对类似事件进行分组,并确定所报告的伤害、疾病和危险的趋势.
  • Consider hazards associated with emergency or nonroutine situations.
  • 确定每个已识别的危险可能导致的事件的严重性和可能性,并使用此信息确定纠正措施的优先级.
  • 有些危险,如家务和绊倒危险,可以而且应该在发现时加以修复. 现场解决危险强调安全和健康的重要性,并利用安全领导的机会. 

This policy is merely a guideline. It is not meant to be exhaustive nor be construed as legal advice. It does not address all potential compliance issues with federal, state, local OSHA or any other regulatory agency standards. Consult your legal counsel to address possible compliance requirements. Design © 2023 Zywave, Inc.


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